Do you have a never ending hallway and you’re not sure how to fill the space? Make it work for you and embrace the extra square footage and opportunity for creativity!

Here is my extra long hallway, and I’ve added links to all the items above! Throughout the post, I have easy formulas to follow 🙂 Now let’s get to the good stuff:
My first tip is to buy a rug! This will make your space feel cozy and intentional. My hallway is super long, so it fits two 2′ x 10′ runners! Based on your hallway size, I would recommend at least one runner or a rectangular rug (4′ x 6′. 5′ x 8′, etc.) if the area is wide! Also, a doormat is great as well if you can fit it.
I decided to add rugs with pops of color since the walls and floors are so neutral (and I love color), but there are a ton of neutral runners if you want a softer look. If you stick to neutral colors, I’d recommend a textured rug (jute, high pile wool, etc.) to add some interest. My “day job” is in the rug and home decor industry, so feel free to drop a comment if you need any rug tips 🙂
Easy rug formula: Buy a rug that is at least 6 inches from any walls or other rugs. Depending on your space, you can place a rug underneath your table or bench. Based on your hallway, decide how long your rug needs to be-if you can, buy a rug that leaves a foot of space between the rug and each end of the hallway.
My next piece of advice is to make it as functional as you can! For example, put a bench near the entrance if you like to put on or remove your shoes by the door. As you can see, in my apartment I have a console table with a tray for our keys and sunglasses, and I also have baskets on the bottom shelf to separate masks, shoes and supplies for my dog in a clean way!
Start by envisioning what you need by the door, whether that is hooks for your keys and bags, a bench, or a table. Once you know which works best for you, you can then start to create balance in the space. For example, if you like the idea of having a bench or table, I would recommend placing art above both of these. If you’d like to place hooks or want a minimalist look, I would recommend some baskets below or plants to round out the area. This creates interest and balance to the eye from top to bottom.
Easy entrance formula: Bench/console table + art above, or hooks with plants/baskets below. My favorite art to use near the front of the door is a mirror, as I like to look in the mirror before I leave in case I have lipstick on my teeth 🙂

Do you see how I have a bookshelf in the second part of my hallway? This is mostly because I wanted something taller to balance out with the console table in the front of my hallway. Always look for things with different heights to create more interest! Another reason I loved having this is so I had a good place for all of my books, candles, and vases. Look out for another post on how to style your bookshelves!
This amazing bookshelf is the Billy from IKEA. I couldn’t link to it but this is a great deal (approx. $150)!
My last tip is to use plants to liven up the hallway. I have four in my hallway because of the size, but even one or two will make a large difference. I bought pots of different heights and widths to draw your eye. I really enjoy having real plants, but faux plants give the same effect (and it’s impossible to kill them)!
It took me a long time to learn how to keep a plant alive, but I’ve found some great options for beginners. I’m planning on creating a post about plants, but my recommendation is a snake plant! It does really well without a ton of light, and you only have to water it once every 2 weeks. Easy peasy!
Let me know if you have any tips or questions about long hallways in the comments 🙂 The main advice I have is to make a hallway functional but also a place that makes you happy!