When I was growing up, I constantly tried to find my “purpose”. If I practiced every day, could I be the world’s best piano player? Could I change the fact that I can’t carry a tune and try out for American Idol? I made a habit of comparing myself to others and feeling less than.
The truth is, we all have hobbies and talents that make us unique. Sometimes, it’s hard to step outside your viewpoint to see that something that comes so easily to you can be almost impossible for others. Or, something you enjoy may seem so routine and insignificant, but in reality, your hobbies and interests make you YOU.

I was once told that a reliable way to find your purpose is to stop and pause about what you enjoy doing the most. What could you do for hours and hours, while losing track of time or even forgetting to eat? My answer is not much (I’m always thinking about my next meal haha), but I soon realized that my truest joy was something that came so naturally to me: decorating and styling.
Honestly, the creation of this blog is another result from the 2020 quarantine, as is watching everything Netflix has ever made and snacking on anything that could ever be edible ☺ I’ve had so much fun having an outlet for my creativity, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been SO nervous about putting myself out there.

This experience will hopefully lead me to stop the comparison game, and just have fun while hopefully helping anyone that comes across this blog! My main goal is to pass any knowledge I have to empower others to gain confidence in getting dressed every day and decorating their home. Taking risks and staying true to yourself in your home and your fashion will always pay off! It is so important (and fun!) to blend your personal style with trends and timeless pieces.
How do I describe my style? I almost don’t want to define it because it’s full of changes and contradictions. One day I want to dress in white or nude colors and decorate in “neutral glam”, and the next day I have a hot pink lip with an orange dress and change my apartment to look like a boho haven. I think it’s important to take inspiration from many places and do what feels right for you!

Click the images below for links to products 🙂