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How to Survive Social Distancing in Your City

Life, Travel

How to Survive Social Distancing in Your City

Can you believe we are eight months into 2020?!  As we all know, this has been an absolutely crazy year.  It’s a fact that public health and safety is the most important thing and that everything should be done to reduce the effects of COVID.  Wear your masks people!  

With that said, it’s also okay to recognize that all of our lives look a lot different and it’s scary and stressful.  I think about all of the things I did at the beginning of 2020, like celebrating the New Year with my husband, traveling the country for work, and hugging and shaking hands with acquaintances.  None of us would have guessed what was soon to come!

Even though a lot has changed, we still need to do things that make us feel human.  It was important for me and my husband to SAFELY find ways to continue to explore Chicago.  We moved here in September of last year, and everyone we knew told us that Chicago summers are worth the brutal winter!  We 100% agree, but we haven’t had the opportunity to experience some of the things that make Chicago great, like swimming at Lake Michigan, listening to bands at Lollapalooza, and attending neighborhood festivals.

I’m not saying this to yell “woe is me!” but to acknowledge that we have all missed out on plans or experiences we were looking forward to this year.  It’s okay to be disappointed about that AS LONG as you are also grateful that you are healthy and stepping up to keep others around you safe.

At this time, I think it’s important to find activities around you that make you happy.  Here are some things that my husband and I have been exploring in Chicago.  If you aren’t traveling to Chicago this summer, I also have ideas for you to have fun in a safe environment!

  • Visit your downtown area or outdoor attractions on off hours!
    • Chicago Tip: Visiting the Riverwalk in the morning (right now it’s open from 5am-9am with no reservations) with a mask on.  *SHOW PHOTO* This is near the Riverwalk early on a Sunday morning-perfect for a peaceful walk with no crowds!
  • Try new restaurants! Some might only be open for takeout or patio service, but it will be great to go out and explore since I know we are all sick of cooking!  Another idea is to research a high end restaurant that is normally above your budget and check if they are doing takeout specials.  A lot of restaurants in Chicago are doing this and it allows us to try some of the best restaurants in the city without ruining your bank account!
    • Chicago Tip: Our favorite restaurants in Chicago are Etta, Girl and the Goat, Gibson’s, Au Cheval, and the list is growing by the minute!  One of the major restaurants doing a takeout special is called Alinea.
  • Walk in new neighborhoods: A change of scenery does the body good!  Is there an area you love but have never walked around in?  Is there a town somewhere near your home that you’ve never really been to, but hear everyone talk about it frequently?  Go on an adventure!
    • Chicago Tip: We have been walking our dog, Maggie, in new neighborhoods around the city.  It’s so fun to see how each area has a different vibe.  We live in the Bucktown/Wicker Park area, but have loved exploring Lincoln Park, Logan Square, Lakeview, and downtown!
  • Go on a hike!  Feeling a little crowded in your home or city?  There is so much space in nature for all of us to enjoy it!
    • Chicago Tip: Walk along Lake Michigan. The lake trail is perfect for exercising or going on a peaceful stroll.  The path is extremely wide so it helps with keeping distance, but many people wear a mask as well!
  • Miss going to the movies on a date night?  Me too!  Check out your area to see if there are any drive through movie theaters ☺
    • Chicago Tip: a lot of neighborhoods have a weekly event with movies in the park.  I’m sure this is going on in your area too!

What has kept you feeling energized this year?!  Let me know if I missed anything!

P.S. This mural is located at 1501 N Milwaukee Ave in the Wicker Park area of Chicago (artist unknown)!

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